Oh yeah..... the council tax is MUCH better..... coupled with the HIKE in VAT that occurred! Yeah....
Bring back MAGGIE! She took us OUT of the same sh*t that the Scots IMBECILES (Blair, Brown, Darling) have dragged us back INTO!
Ohhhh...... and how many MORE of the leaders of YOUR mickey mouse govt. will have to resign for CORRUPTION?
Perhaps we should ask the Antiguans to run your country; they do a better job about BANKING that YOUR lot! The only failed to control ONE bank properly whereas YOU lot.....
Dear Alex's view that you could go 'self sufficient' is now seen, even by the SCOTS, as a lie!
As Warren Buffett said recently... he compared booms and busts to the 'tides'.... he said:-
"It's only when the tide goes out that you see who was swimming naked...."
There are now a HELL of a lot of naked Scots on the beach!