A. Side Bumpers The side bumpers must (please note K-163 does not apply): • Comprise a minimum of a single tube constructed from magnetic steel tubing with minimum outside diameter of 18mm and a minimum wall thickness of 1.4mm (minimum diameter of 20mm recommended). • Be securely attached to chassis by a minimum of two points on each side of the chassis. • Allow for the attachment of the mandatory side pods. • Where parallel side bumper mounting points are used, have these points a minimum of 400mm apart.
this is what i found on the msa website, the link below will take you to the cadet bodywork clarification supplement. basically it says that this year is ok but next year any newly built karts need to be fitted with crash tested body work for holomogation, i presume this means also that the chassis mounts must also conform the the new regs! what it doesnt say is that older karts must be made to comply to the regs for 2010? so who knows????
for anyone buying a new kart this year ie a strom for example, they might only be eligeble to race for this year only which is a discrace if this turns out to be the case!