itpro has a guide on
But heres how i do it:
If the engine is cold, get someone to help you start it, makes things so much easier.
Either sit in the seat if there ok doing it themselves or run alongside on the RIGHT, so that when you jump in your right foot slams on the throttle.
Push on the back of the seat as you run, get the other person to lift the rear.
Don't sit down properly in the kart until your sure its started, makes getting out for that extra push a bit easier :)
If the engine is warm, i.e during a race, stand on the RIGHT of the kart.
Left hand on the rear bumper, right on the steering wheel, quick lift of the rear (doesnt need to be much), a push as you lift, then SLAM the rear down, pushing the tyres onto the track (best way to do this is to transfer your hand to the rear of the seat, that way you can push both down and along)
So now your running with the kart, its time to LISTEN. Sounds daft but you do!
You need to listen out for the engine turning over and firing as you continue to push. The best way to describe it is a brrr boom sound (lol!). At first it may sound "rough", if it does, keep pushing the kart until it sounds "smoother".
The hardest bit is describing the sound, i usually just act on instinct, and it usually works :).
Next step is to jump in, as you may have done when starting it before!
It sounds SO much more difficult than it seems. But believe me, once you have done it once, you can do it everytime :)