All you have to do is to ASK Dick and Martin if it's OK! (Email address at the bottom of this page)
They are the ones who OWN this site and THEY set the rules...... not ME!
If you are SURE they won't think it's an advert.... why not just ASK them, out of politeness..... preferably BEFORE you post it!
I KNOW you are trying to HELP that event and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!
However, when AlanRR (for example) wants to HELP his races (e.g., the London Cup) he PAYS for an Advert as a 'banner'!
Dick and Martin will have a view on this....... the only POLITE way is to ASK them! They may WELL say..
... 'go ahead, we do NOT think it's an advert; Ian is being a right TW*T over this!'..
... but it would be courteous to ASK them .... FIRST!