I raced thru the last recession - easy really. If you've 'gotta race' you will find a way. I always think its an error to end up counting the costs - because it can give you a reason NOT to race. Kids, morgage, food and bills aside - you'll either have spare cash to spend on your chosen hobby or not. TV offers you an alternative if you want to spend the minimum. So - personally I will spend what it takes, as in the previous years, I really DONT care how much the kids inherit, the tax man takes or what I leave to the local cat charity. Why be the richest person in the grave yard? Here's whats worked for me. Get extra jobs or several part time jobs. Learn about mechanics - to save on prep. Find sponcer, even petrol money helps. Reduce entrys. Change series. Look at 2 driver series - split costs. Sell expensive transporter and buy an old escort. Ask local circuit for a 'deal' Dont practice or practice and dont race. Stop smoking Drink less go out less turn heating down Eat out less. Cut down on Girl expenses (one less h**ker max) Probably loads more. Not everybody will be effected. This is the 3rd recession Ive been through. Gotta Race.