But John the entrypoint for Max is far too high. You're looking at GBP1,000 - GBP1,500 minimum for a rig which in an economic downturn will be too much for many people. It doesn't need to be that way though. Perfectly serviceable 100cc and older TKM complete outfits can be bought for less than GBP300... yet amidst the dizzying number of classes, there's nowhere to race them !
A rev-restricted 100cc national motor, or an older TKM BT82 engined represent the perfect way to get somebody into karting. Its dirt cheap, parts are plentiful, and they'll learn the ropes as much there as they would in a GBP1,500 Max.
If we have no more than 2 junior classes and 2 senior classes, by employing equivalence formulae we will be able to ensure that a much broader variety of kit can be used. Consequently karting will become a lot simpler and a lot more affordable for people.
Karting is not about the elite who spend obscene amounts of money to win a national trophy or two. The bedrock of karting is the occasional club racer who takes his/her kit out a few times over the summer months. They make up most of the grid and without them, the sport's dead. We need to safeguard these people and attract more like them to the sport.