Oooh. Please PROMISE me that you NEVER teach children about English or grammar!
I mean, the THOUGHT that your children might get taught to use THREE exclamation marks at the end of ONE sentence:-
"!!! Capital...."
And just IMAGINE what your children will learn about English from a person who thinks that:-
"... Maybe that is what you are doing! ..."
... does NOT need an additional comma!
And the STAGGERING use of 'yours faithfully' when you started your 'missive' with:-
..."Good Evening Ian'
Of COURSE that should have been: 'Yours sincerely' because 'ANY FULE KNO'' that it should ONLY be: 'your faithfully' after: 'Dear Sir'!
We'll quietly skip over the 'howlers' of using (an attempt at) a formal salutation in an informal message and the fact that 'yours faithfully' was PROPERLY excluded from current English etiquette about 20 years ago and the use of SINGLE line spacing at the end of what YOU thought were 'paragraphs'...
My goodness, what a simply appalling English teacher you are, my dear! Send your children to me for PROPER education and save them the embarrassment of being caught making THOSE sorts of 'schoolboy howlers'!
Ahhhhhhh ... hold on... you were being 'knowing' and you comments were meant as a 'modern' version of (what YOU would think is called) 'irony'..... but isn't!
An old saying covers this very well: 'People who live in glass houses...'. You'll know the rest of that saying already, I'm sure!
Learn a lesson, my dear; when you choose to CORRECT someone: be PERFECT in your own use of our language! If you can't... then don't reply at ALL!
Ohhhhh... and you'll also note that any errors in THIS reply are there to create 'sarcastic counterpoint'!
Oh... and by the way... pleased to meet Mrs Buzzin'. Now; run along and iron his shirt like a good little wife!