1. This is the rub, they could be added and still be within the MSA legal limits, of course it's illegal because it's added, but how would you or how would you expect the officials at Club level to prove that?
2. They're not against the laws of the land, so calling the police is not an option, now what do you advise?
Mandating control fuel that is policeable within the MSA Judicial System could only be done via someone like Atol etc, do you want that or do you have another system you can recommend that is fool proof?
I personally as a Club racer would be happy that the Championships have sorted the problem out to a degree that on the whole it is not a problem at UK Club meetings and therefore as Club race my costs are kept lower! If the Championships revert to a less fool proof system it won't be long before it filters back to Club level as it did the last time before we sorted it out so successfully that there isn't a problem that people can remember therefore can't see the value in the current fool proof system!