As a dad strugglying with crazy costs in Hondas at present, I would like to add my bit. We are thinking about swapping to mini Rok and Super One. BUT...the lack of numbers is a huge worry for me. We lack anything like the budget to worry the top guys in Hondas. Just having done a year, we are still at a few levels below where we need to be with driver and us as a team. It is great that the likes of Whilton have 45 Hondas on the grid, but when you know that really you are scrapping for the few bits left over vs guys with bigger engines etc, sometimnes it can get a bit disheartning. Mini Rk looks on the face of it to be more even, but small grids are a worry. I get that Karting is not cheap, but 10K plus on engines etc is daft and out of control. I cannot justify paying anything like that for a motor.