Just checked the Gold Book and the ABkC is the joint sponsor of both Rotax and TKM classes, so ABkC remains directly involved in these arrangements, whether the cash goes through their bank account or not - as ChrisTKM pointed out, and contrary to the assertions of the ABkC Secretary.
ABkC have also explicitly approved the MSA involvement in cadet tyres.
So the position remains that competitors (MSA and IKR if they adopt the same rules) are paying extra and that nobody has ever asked the competitors whether they would prefer to (a) pay extra and create an unaudited sum of money purportedly used to fund unquantified S1 prizes; or (b) pay less.
That "extra" amount is unclear and just how it is accounted for once it's been paid to the retailer is also unclear - but what little transparency there was before 2016 has now vanished.
The tyre tax issue is only one example of problems caused by the current structure.
The big question will be whether any club is brave enough to nominate - by next Tuesday - individuals that would be prepared to challenge the existing arrangements.
I don't think the bookies are offering sensible odds on that one...
...and the ABkC will continue to slowly oversee the demise of the industry (formerly known as a sport).