The Minutes don‘t seem to be made available. The newsletter purports to be notice of the AGM, which is supposed to be open to all interested parties. How huge a burden would it have been to post a copy to the ABkC facebook page to circulate it?
The rules of the ABkC are unusual. Each club that sends at least one representative gets 2 votes at the AGM (to vote on electing officers and changes to the constitution). S1 don‘t get any votes at the AGM. No club representation = no votes. The BKIA, however, don‘t need to be present to cast their 2 votes.
Note the disparity in cost and time of physically attending a meeting in Warwickshire between, say, an Officer who lives in Warwickshire and a club based offshore or hundreds of miles away. This might explain why voting tends to be concentrated in a relatively small number of individuals.
All other decisions are taken by the Steering Committee, which needs a quorum of 6. S1 are allocated 2 votes, BKIA 1 vote. Each person has to be present to vote.
We seem to be agreed that competitor apathy has contributed to the problem. However certain clubs have also been known to actively inhibit member involvement at AGM‘s etc.
If competitors can‘t be bothered to express themselves then can they really complain too much?