i agree with you chris, we have all seen an improvement in race starts and racing in general, this is further highlighted by people now realizing how bad the contact now is in cadet racing, it was always like this and in other classes, but as cadets were exempt from the droop down nose which now makes us relise how bad and how much loading there used to be before.
the problem is that the clerks rely on the bumper now rather than penilising people on bad driving. its all to easy for them now as there is no comeback if your nose is pushed in.
the nosecone has improved the racing massively on the first lap and now made the race starts less of a lottery. i understand mjg36's frustration at lunging, but if someone overtakes you they are always going to run you out wide and make sure you are not on the tarmac, hence your trip on the grass, you always run that risk if you are on the outside