It simply appears that a selection of circuit owners have the midas-touch, whereby the circuit is thriving in terms of both corporate and MSA racing. Primarily they are in it for the racing and making their customers happy......the nice bi-product is a very healthy financial turnover.
Other circuit owners have the merde-touch, which is quite self explanatory.
I have helped grow plenty of business's myself, the last company I joined in 2008 we were 6 people with £1.5m in private equity funding, I was the first engineer to 2011 we were 45 people strong, then we sold off a major portion of the business to a global player for £25m, I was one of 10 people transferred over as a key knowledge holder.....the business is now valued at £400m and still growing I obviously dont have a clue about growing a business or customer satisfaction, so I had best shut my mouth.