In senior racing the movable front bumper has not been the nightmare that it first looked like. IF YOU MAKE SURE your front metal bars are straight and the correct width and the drop down brackets is correctly fitted to the nose cone it does take more than a light contact to move it. I don't think it is quite as bad (at not moving) as lollipop found, but it has definitely made racing better in that everyone usually makes it around the 1st corner or 2. A Buckmore Klasson was having (TKM at least) remove the upper metal bar and measuring the diameter of both bars and the plastic drop down. What with having to go into park ferme at the beginning with the bumper dropped that is about as thorough a check that can be done. With sensible hard racing at the front it has not affected the racing. It has also meant that your front bumper is less likely to need replacing so often. I just think the cadet drop down would have to be proportionally 'lighter' in dropping down.