Please do not misunderstand my intentions. I concur that a scheme to address loading is needed, but I am disheartened by the weakeneses of the proposed (mechanical) system for 2016 and the immature regulations in the 2016 blue/books & relevant MSA bulletins.
Whatever the good intent, devious teams (and individuals) will try and work around the regulations.
For example; Wooden ballast blocks are mounted on the front bumper either side of the front bumper support and protruding (say) 40mm forwards. Whilst the ballast is providing additional front end grip, it has a secondary effect of preventing the front bumper being pushed back into the "drop" position.
Not illegal, but very useful and defeats the intent of the new fairing mounting kit.
I've had a good snout through the 2016 Blue book & 2016 Gold book in relation to ballast composition and mounting and the new fairing mounting kit.
Any other ideas for workarounds ? ... as if we air them now then it may give the scrutineers some direction where to inspect and the MSA/ABKC time to revise the regulations.