Me and my lad have just done two rounds of easykart in juniors and we also race MSA elsewhere so hopefully I can give a balanced view: Here it is -
I must say the standard of driving is incredibly high in Easykart, speed wise and lack off stupidity. And given everyone is on the same kit, you can only ever own one engine and one chassis for racing in the year then its all down to the driver/setup.
It has been a low entry cost to get in and also running costs so far. And it really does boil down to the driver and not the wallet.
Bad driving is strictly punished from what I have seen to date. And there has been very little of that.
They, Easykart, publish the setup, fix the sprocket for the track, and have a technical help area if you have any problems. The fast jet on the carb is fixed also. You can alter track widths, seat stays, third bearing and that is about it.
One last thing, if you do have problems on the grid, or cannot make a heat because of a bent axle say. They will juggle the schedule to make sure you make it out for the race and help you fix the problem. I have never seen this anywhere else.
Added to that some international events you can choose to race and a world championship then all on for Dad/Mum/Lad/Lass road trips to race abroad without having to be a superstar.
So far so good. I must say it has been a pleasant surprise and we are going to do more rounds.
Just my humble opinion. Balanced view etc. No links to Easykart etc.