Track limits:
The rules are pretty clear - the question is whether the ribbed area constitutes a "kerb".
As I understand things, the MSA (and I assume it is somebody at the MSA, rather than the whole organisation) takes an active interest in the way these matters are managed.
So it seems to me that the MSA has now decided that this area isn't a kerb, although they have been issuing penalties as if it was a kerb for quite some time now.
Perhaps it is just a coincidence that S1 returns to WM next month... Commercial interests / promoters / teams in S1 have no influence on such decisions, of course.
As regards driving standards (another topic entirely!) - the current rules actively promote and encourage poor driving standards and there is no appetite to change those so I confidently predict there will no improvement at all!
But how would you feel if you had been penalised (or even suspended) for crossing a "kerb" which is now not a kerb....?