You are correct Ram5e5. The concern over "trying something new" is that if it is an MSA rule the clerks should be applying it. Otherwise, any of the rules could be abandoned. Imagine if a clerk said that for the next meeting they were not bothered about contact. There would be uproar. And whilst the offences may be very different they are still both enshrined in MSA law.
I am not saying that the clerks all agree with the rules - quite often they don't. But as a licences official you agree to uphold the rules of the sport.
The problem I could see was many competitors using the concrete all of the way to the tyre wall. If they had aquaplaned, or been nudged into the tyre wall the accident would be huge. Especially if it was at the end of the first lap of the race when the field hadn't spread out.
Also, from what I saw there was no extra work carried out looking for driving standards offences. How many Clerks notices were on the notice board with regards to penalties. Hardly any.
I think it needs to be watched for the next few months. Hopefully driving standards will improve but I won't be holding my breath.