not sure about ridiculous money for honda cadet engines, the most I have heard a good Honda cadet change hands for is £5000......I regularly hear of sealed Rotax engines changing hands for £10,000 to £15,000.....this is essentially whats killing sealed-Rotax and pushing everyone over to the un-sealed X30 engine choice.....the X30 is a far more accurate beast in terms of manufacturing tolerances, therefore the ability to blue-print and fiche it are very limited indeed, but obviously people still do, but overall x30 produces closer racing for less money.....really sealing has been proven as fools gold already.
This is also the benefit of the new Iame-cadet engine versus the old sealed Comer cadet.....the Iame is highly accurate in its manufacturing tolerances, and blueprinting / fiching options are very limited.......whereby the old comer chainsaw motor was a blue-printers / fichers was a highly inaccurate piece of it, but sealed!
Yes I guess the Honda falls into the inaccurate category, but its not sealed, and is regulated by ignition timing and the inlet restrictor, as a Honda-cadet Dad I have to say I'm quite happy with the honda regs just the way they are, and most other dads I speak to are also happy with the current status.
The recent S1 Honda debacle was always going to happen, everyone knew they were bent, and the dad was warned well before by many many well informed people, but he ignored live and learn