Reading this (I may be totally wrong as with most people we are never in possession of all the facts so maybe shouldn't comment, apologies in advance if I am wrong - I often am!!) it seems there is single point / area on a track (PFI in this case) where there have been multiple crashes where there have also been injuries to multiple drives. so is this s problem or not is the debate. We could be quite statical about this. Where else in the UK is there a point on any circuit where there is a higher frequency of accidents and more importantly a higher frequency of injuries to number of accidents. I doubt anyone can pin point another circuit with a hot spot with a worse record - I can't think of one? This is taking into account the actual number of karts passing that point compared to the number of crashes compared to - again the most important bit the number of injuries. If the number of injuries to the number of crashes (regardless of the number of crashes and number of karts passing that point) are higher than any other circuit then you can quite clearly state that the particular point is the most dangerous and least safe (note I do not quote unsafe) in the UK. I can imagine following a god forbid very very serious (I don't want to tempt fate quoting the f word) crash, any legal people that may get involved would make the same analogy, especially as all the evidence is there either from the public domain or from the organisation that runs PFI and the club and the MSA. Again I may be wrong but if there is no full record of each and every accident that involves injury, this in itself indicates - turning a blind eye and 'no attempt to monitor of improve the situation'. If there is a record, but then no following recommendation on how to improve. This again is a failing. If there is no action on a recommendation then this is another failing. Ultimately there is no hiding place from 'doing the right thing with regards to safety when it is required'. If this is ignored it will only be a matter of time that the situation is taken out of the hands that control it and everyone loses out (all other drivers, the club etc) not least the person injured or worse and their family. No matter what you 'sign away' when you sign on, this is a ticking time bomb! I like the comment from tweaker ref. the phrase 'freak' accident. Freak accidents are very very rare,; there is nearly always a good avoidable reason for an accident in all walks of life including more risky ones! All that said PFI and the bridge extension really is the pinnacle of UK karting and if it weren't for the investment in it - we wouldn't have it. Good on PF for investing in it and how he does in UK karting generally. We just need to work together to keep it!