I think Banzai Boy likes retro karts:-) I used to race in the 80/81 years and must say racing Junior National that I never got hit or taken off, perhaps because I was at the back.
My best result came at a little green man event at Clay Pigeon, huge pile up on last lap and I went from 17th to 5th .. result! ... no trophy though :-(
I have read a lot on this subject and must say I was frustrated in what you say to your boy when two races in a row he gets dumped out by the kart behind.
There is a school bully analogy here. And thats not the way to go when dealing with youngsters driving around at 50mph with hard stops as a consequence.
I try and keep things in perspective, we are racing in a minor league kart race, as a hobby, with like minded people, who are in general nice people with nice kids.
Parents have to be the first in line to stop bad race craft as they are the ones probably watching the closest during their races. So even the tiniest of incidents can seem like a huge injustice.
Dont get me wrong, I get as p*****d off as the next person when something happens and it does not get acted upon.
Would I be an observer? Nope, I have no interest in watching anyone elses races unless I know someone running in that race. Surprisingly enough I am only interested in watching the races my sons are in.
Perhaps the parents/guardians of those racing should be observers. We have a keen vested interest, we have that many more eyes are on the circuit. And hopefully not so much bias as potentially more than one pair of eyes sees the incident. How does that sound?