Clubs have a thankless task, on one hand they have to function and make money to cover there costs. on the other they have to keep there members happy with plenty of track time and running meetings in a good manor. Too many clubs air on the cautious side at the start of the year and say they will except entries for virtually every class but clubs would swell there numbers if they restricted the classes to 6-8. as this would mean they could have longer heats and finals. Which members would feel they got or get great value for money. And all grids would run close to full. As it is they end up with 10-11 classes some with only 4-5 drivers in which then means 30 heats and 10 finals. heats end up 6-7mins instead of 10mins and finals are 8-10 mins instead of 15mins. Most people want big grids and longer heats and finals. Msa clubs need to make a stand and announce there plans very early, what classes they will run heat and final lengths, and people will sign up to the clubs that offer the best value and racing experience. People have gone non msa because it's better value for money longer heats and good grids.