Yep, see what you say, I think an easy route is via IKR, turn up hire a kart, like it, buy a kart and turn up at the next meeting (shortening the process I know but you get the idea).
Get the bug, times hopefully drop then don't buy the next set of tyres, do the ARKS and go to the next MSA meeting.
Good idea though that, as you say, a non-licence holder can turn up and I guess if they don't stand out as off pace or dangerous (as we know spotting what happens on track is very difficuly for the officials) they can race at the meeting.
Is it really the direct costs that put people off MSA meetings or is it the knock on costs due to the higher level of competition (not saying more competitive just higher due to the need for new tyres, maybe team inclusion etc etc).
I think that both can exist and cater for the differing client bases with a cross over.
IKR for entry level (i.e. budget, low cost racing) up to multi-venue series (like you were calculating), MSA for mid-level to national with a big cross over in the middle where I would think the actual racing is similar but at somepoint the costs increase to be competitive at the sharp end(i.e. new tyres for each day etc etc) and it's in the realms of the MSA series.