It is worth watching the very first few seconds of the video to see what was going on between P1 and P2 at that stage..... The full film will probably give some further insight into this.
On the last corner, P1 was on the racing line and had turned in as expected. He was fully aware of his 'team mate' P2 coming up behind him. The line that P2 takes into the corner looks like it is likely to have resulted in contact with P1, had P3 not come into the equation and hit P2.
It would appear that P2 was totally unaware of P3 when they moved across to take an inside line on the corner, but also P3 appears to do very little to avoid contact with P2.
Just my take on things, but the one I feel sorry for is P1 - no matter what sanctions are taken against the other driver/s involved, it would appear that they were robbed of first place by some dubious decisions or actions made by at least one of the other two drivers involved.