Clay extended their driver briefing by 10 mins last month by talking about what they were doing in response to some forum criticism - giving their marshals radios and asking them to call in contact, whilst stressing they could only report what they see and that things would get missed. That was obviously fair enough.
Then the MSA Steward ruined it by telling us that, if we felt aggrieved enough and were certain that we had been wronged, we should stick our money down and protest. At club racing level, does anybody really do this - chance £110 to protest over, say, 6th place??? I realise that it could be argued that you need an amount reasonable enough to discourage petty complaints but would you risk the very likely doubling the cost of your weekend in a bid to right the wrong? £20 maybe but £110? I thought this showed how out of touch the MSA were when I first entered karting, nothing has changed...