Andrew (Banzai Boy) was an invited guest at the ABkC Steering Group meeting as he expressed a wish to form a Drivers Association. The ABkC has consistently said it would offer a position on the Steering Group if a bona fide Drivers Association was formed. As a guest he may not have appreciated that the members of that meeting were those elected at the AGM, (several put forward were not successful, that's democracy). As such the Steering Group does not have representation from every one of the 30 member clubs. The ABkC primarily engages with its member clubs through emails and the public quarterly newsletter. It then expects each club to form a view from within the expertise on its own committee or if necessary by asking its members, the drivers. As was said above it is hard to get drivers to attend AGMs or other meetings to actually put their views sensibly. The Steering Group decided to put out a questionnaire to all its member clubs and ask for opinions, primarily on the key points needing change. Andrew then took that as a basis for his general questionnaire to drivers, which is fine, and the ABkC will be keen to take the results into account, but primarily it will be the club's responses that are tabled at the next meeting. The key points for moving forward were detailed in the last newsletter which is on the ABkC website and in the latest magazine, Vroom here, Karting Mag next time. Please support Andrew in his efforts to form a Drivers Association.