If you make the timing 'open' then I expect it will make a gap in performance between the T1 and T2 which is exactly what we don't want.
It would also be interesting to see if the excluded engines have had their timing optimised against the 2014 regulations. We all know there are motors out there that had there ignition timing 'optimised' well before the regs were changed and probably need their timing retarded to comply.
As an example, I checked a pair of T1 SPs recently (not been back to the builder for over two years) to see how much advance could be added and one of the engines was right on the borderline of being illegal. This particular engine had a mysteriously 'loose' keyway and the other engine had an offset key (probably done in a press!)
Kelvin has done a good job here - the gauge works well and it isn't rocket science setting the engine to TDC with the right tools and a bit of care and attention.
Mark Northern GX160 Believer!