The Junior Tyro class is designed to bring people into the sport at the lowest cost, particularly related to on-going costs. We use a Radne Raket 95cc engine which is TAG. The chassis has been designed by Gillards, to use an intermediate tyre produced by the same company that produce Mojo for Rotax and by the way new tyres are no quicker. Being Tyro a driver may arrive on Saturday for their first ever meeting and race ion Sunday, no ARKS test no expense in that direction. Because of the lack of a test the Junior Tyro class is held at 10bhp. In a way this is good because the engine is not stressed, tyres last at least 10 full race weekends (probably 15)and if it rains no tyres the change! If it stops raining during a race no damage done. We have some great racing as all of the karts are exactly the same so the better drivers stand out. We try to give a weekend of family fun.