Yes most of the honda engines need to have there timing advanced to the new position as agreed between the msa and the main engine builders. The engine builders argued that the new position was the standard position on most of the new engines. and so in there view it would be easier to adjust the few engines that didn't meet this standard. rather than turning back the timing on the good engines. so now people are going to need to get there engines advanced to meet this position instead of moving the timing back on the better engines. I think that what we all want is an even playing field or as near as we can get it. I believe that there have been quite a few engines this season with this advanced timing already and this is why the engine builders argued to move it forward to meet this point otherwise they would have had to call a lot of customers to tell them that there engines needed to be slowed and no customer would have liked that. But now they get the opportunity to call many customers and say bring your engine in and we can make it faster, every customer would like that. But I feel the msa missed an opportunity they could have turned the timing back on all engines to a lower setting and then removed the restrictors still keeping the Hondas slightly slower than the iame. The new tooling is now at the engine builders so u may get a call or give your engine builder a call. Or next year u will be way of the pace .