Quotes, Itpro replying to Nik G. 1."Thirdly, release is when the inner wheel returns to the ground.......errrrr ...... how .. do you explain the physics of that....? You release grip when the second tyre (which is the cause of the drag) returns to the ground......... I am looking forward to that one. " 2." I accept that drivers use the word to describe the sensation of the kart being released from something. what is it that you are saying feels like release to these drivers whe you finally land the 4th wheel." But 3. " We seem to agree that release only occurs when the 4th wheel has touched the ground !!!!!!!! . Did he send you a cheque Itpro? Anybody who suggests that the return of the inner wheel to the ground can be described as release, is not only talking rubbish but is destroying the English language.