April Easter Race
All drivers signing on in for April will get an Easter Egg, normally only for the children but this year everyone wil get one:-)
Also for the children that do not race we will have an Easter Egg hunt on the Saturday after practice so that the younger brothers and sisters also get to pig out on the chocolate!
We have been asked a few times on our policy of bikes/scooters. The club has always been family minded and takes the view that if the children can drive round the track at 50 to 60 mph then they can handle a bike and scooter in the pits! Obvioulsy they need to be careful of others and observant but the club wants the children to enjoy their experience and not enforce regimented processes that some other clubs aim toward the kids.
Hope that clarifies, if they start racing in the pts and crashing into everyone then we may need to review...............or create an ARKS type test for them:-)