The 5 that were thrown out of heat 1 in Minimax was for the rear wheels not protuding out passed the side pods. Our kart was ok one side but having been hit twice on the other side causing the bumper to be bent and the wheel to move in so that it would not clear the pod by 1mm (yes 1mm) we were eliminated. We explained to the clerk of the course that we had no control over this and asked that somebody uses a bit of common sense taking in to account the conditions we were racing in but although he understood the case we were making once he has a non compliance from the scrutineer there is nothing he can do. In future may I suggest that a kart is checked prior to the race to see if it complies to the rules and not after as you would with depth of thread on wet tyres. Next month when I receive an email asking why we are not racing should I say that I am fed up with spending considerable amounts of money on a sport that does not look after its competitors even though they turn up in wind,rain & snow only for an official who's job should be to see that our kart is safe and we are not cheating to throw us out of a race because some other driver decides to run in to us.