I see from this mornings latest Newsletter that as from January 1st 2013 all karts must be fitted with a std Go Pro high res colour camera to front AND rear along with the new style CLK nassu panel rear view mirrors ( plastic silver lens type only ) to aid officials in making easier, clearer decisions on penalising rapid overtakes and late braking which often causes startlement to some drivers resulting in the moving of the steering wheel or brake to hard thus sometimes causing off line driving and occasional " bumping or rubbing ", the letter also goes on to say that ALL karts must be fitted with graphics inc sidepods and nosecones and that upon returning to Parc Ferme any marks, dents or puncture holes will be deemed as reckless behaviour and will result in meeting exclusion, £1000 fine and up to a tears lifetime ban ! You've been warned ! Slow down, use ur mirrors, give plenty of room and signal when about to make a manouvre, remember, Go Pro front and back will be watching you.