Just back from a great weekends racing at Rowrah, one of the best places in the UK to race. A big thanks to Mal and his team for giving us all a great time - a pity about Sunday afternoons "showers" !!! The only sour note was the fine given to a competitor who was unable to produce his race licence and PGL licence, the MSA rules state that in this case a fine of £60 PER LICENCE IS LEVIED, this for two licences which in total probably cost £60 for a whole year. The MSA officials at Rowrah were great and tried everyting they could to minimise the cost to no avail. We all agree that rules must be obeyed but in these modern times with smartphones, tablets etc where licence details etc can be easily check, surely there could be a sliding scale for this kind of "offence". A smaller one for first time offenders ramping up to big ones for persitent offenders. Once again it would seem that the MSA is taking money without giving a thought to the escalating costs and falling grids of karting. Colin