Some good points you make there, especially about about the ARKS test.
Here's a classic example of how daft the system is...
On Friday (the one just gone) I rang and spoke to the MSA to enquire about getting a license. The last time I raced was just over 4 years ago. Now just by chance I had actually registered a National A license to do the Motors TV event (The first series), if it wasn't for that requirement I would have had a National B as I was only interested in racing at club level. As a result of having that National A it means that I can just apply for a new license in the same process as somebody who had raced last year.
However if I hadn't have had that National A license I would have had to do the ARKS Test again, do the exam again, get a medical test again and then do 6 races on novice plates again. Basically if you have ever had a National A License then you have 5 years before your classed as a novice and if you have a National B then you have less (I think it's 3 years).
To me this is just plain silly. I'm not going to forget how to race that soon. I could understand being made to start at the back but...ARKS TEST??? WRITTEN??? Novice Plates???
When you sign up to the MSA they should treat you like a life time member. Yes make you start at the back just to get you used to it again but the ARKS test is way over the top and yet another barrier to prevent you from racing, especially MSA.
I've still got to get a new helmet though as the very comfortable, few race meeting old OMP Type 'A' I had unfortunately became dangerous overnight.
There is lot's of little problems like this and they all add up (both time and money).