We did 4 full seasons in cadets. I used a heat gun for the first two years to remove rubber. At that time all/most clubs allowed the use of heat guns as long as the tyres were cool when on the dummy grid and we and others did get checked with a temp gun sometimes. The MSA rule is to stop pre-heating of tyres just prior to racing. I don't see using a heat gun to remove rubber from cadet tyres as cheating, as long as the tyres are at ambiant temp. when on the dummy grid. I have seen cadet tyres with a dense covering of upto 10mm of rubber, this can get very tricky for inexperienced cadets.
However, the best solution is not to pick up rubber in the first place... If you get the kart setup / tyre psi right and the pilot is driving on the correct part of the track there is no need to remove excess rubber. I rarely needed to remove rubber in the last two years as my pilot knew how to keep his tyres in good condition, especially on the in lap when some others were all over the track hoovering up every peice of rubber they came across.