If someone from the KKK came on this website and started posting their views then the owners of the website can ban them since they own the website.
The MSA don't have control over what is allowed to be posted on the internet about them, unlike this site with its members (since it can delete them).
Aslong as you post opinion and it doesn't include or based on untrue facts then surely we have freedom of speech. If someone in or the MSA in general does something wrong (in our opinion)then surely we can have our opinions on this aslong as we do this respectfully (not hurling abuse) and don't base it on speculation, then them forcing us to not mention it I feel is completely out of order.
If I go out on to the street and say my opinions as long as they follow the rules above then they are (technically) legal. Facebook never says that your content has privacy to anyone (I just double checked this aswell just now) so therefore you could assume it the same as in public, where you are allowed to fairly critise others and are prepared to accept it yourself.
Hope that kinda makes sense.