The information posted by John in the other thread is perfectly accurate. The sealer in question was only detected when a query was raised with a motor and on close inspection it was noted that the machine tooling marks on a certain area of the motor differed slightly from those on other engines. All of the fiche measurements checked out which appeared to indicate that the item was genuine, however because the query was raised with the apparently altered finish the unit was returned to JAG where it became apparent that materiel had in fact been removed hence it was illegal. The fact that JAG go to such lengths to record every dimension does show that the system works. The fault,if any, lies with us the competitors for trusting the honesty and integrity of those tasked with sealing motors. Human nature will inevitably tempt certain people to 'bend' the rules to gain an advantage which, in this case, has left a prominent karting trader with little or no business so was it worth it? Some will say he has made a good living, which is probably true however this must be balanced against what his future holds now.