Matt, it was all abit of a shambles what happened at ckc with respect to the finals. I agree that it wasn't technically ckc's fault, and I'm really pleased ckc are looking into it. I was talking to other racers after the event and about the news post on the website. Hopefully the outcomes of the discussion can set down some fair guidlines on the issue and improve racing at the club.
Sadly how the msa officials run a meeting will be assumed its the clubs fault. I have never really seen the kerbs at ckc as much of an issue, pretty much all of the drivers have driven over them, however have all been sensible with it and we all know as drivers what is mutually acceptable, then the msa go and make an issue out of it, what people seemed to get annoyed about was the lack of common sense by the msa officials about what should be acceptable, none of the drivers had a problem with the (small) amount of kerbs being used however the msa addressed an issue that didn't need fixing.
Its really unfortunate that was happened is probably going to have an effect on who is going to race at ckc again. I hope ckc can bounce back from this stronger than before. They addressed the kerb issue 2 years ago with the addition of the extra kerb on the esses, that was just the perfect height, it allowed you to ride it slightly and keep a smooth line, while dissadvantaging you if you hit it too much. That kerb made the circuit alot more fun as the back section alot less flat out.
I noticed that from the pictures the clerk at rye seemed to be the same one as at camberley (sorry I'm not good with names), so I'm wondering is it a full msa stance on kerbing or just this clerk who has decided to clamp down. I may be wrong though on whether it is the same person.
Sorry if that makes no sense and I'm rambling abit, I'm trying to put the my views across without trying to put ckc in a bad light (cause it isn't their fault and they are trying their best to fix it.) and I'm kinda tired so my mind isn't fully functioning.