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Sponsorship Letters
Posted by 'MattScott' on 25 Jan 2012 @ 07:22

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Joined: October 2002
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From another forum I frequent, I saw this post and thought it would be of use/help to some of you here.


First let me apologize to those who have already written to me and yet to hear back from me regarding sponsorship for this year. We are really busy at the moment with bike prep and getting the UK Race Support website updated. I promise I will reply to you all.

Anyway in the mean time I thought I would write a few tips for those of you writing letters to try and gain help in 2012. Seems some of you have missed the mark completely!

First above all you must stay positive in your letters.

Letters for sponsorship are you selling yourself to someone who you want to help you out, you get one chance at it so don't balls it up and don't over sell either.

There should be a short cover letter stating who you are, what you are doing in the season and what they sponsor can see in return. Something like this:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a road racer from the Isle of Man and I am writing to you to be considered for help in 2012. We are a four man team consisting of me the rider, two mechanics and one manager.

(Even if this is not completely true you need to sell the team as being organized and professional, but don't lie through your back teeth as you will get found out).

In 2012 we will be competing in the Hottrax race series which consists of eight rounds up and down the UK. We are racing a Yamahnasty 600 in this series and expect to be finishing each round in the top ten, with every confidence to gain a few podium finishes and maybe a win. Each round will be televised and is already attracting a lot of media coverage and attention.

(Outline what series you are racing in and where these races will be, but don't say too much as the letter will become boring and binned. Sell any plus points like TV coverage. Sponsors need to know who will be seeing their stickers on your bike).

(Next you need to tailor a bit about what you want, its not nice to ask for money but if the guy you are writing to makes Coke cans then thats all you can want for. If the guy makes or supplies parts then you need to say something about running his parts will help you race and you are hoping for help in gaining these parts at discount. It really is up to you to decide how to word this. For example:)

This season we will be running the new Pirelli Dogsbollx 2 and was hoping you would be interested in supplying us with tyres either for the season or for individual rounds. Any help with this would be fantastic and in return we will do our best to professionally promote your products in the racing world, local media, any TV coverage we receive and Motorcycle Racer magazine which will be featuring the race series.

(Be positive about what you can do in return for help, don't say we will plaster your stickers all over the bike as this is something the sponsorer has to suggest and don't promise anyone prime place on the side of the bike as a better sponsor may be just round the next corner wanting the same fairing panel. You can thrash it all out closer to the first race as to who gets what, where and when.)

(End by saying something about your attached Racing CV)

I have attached my racing CV with my racing highlights and goals. Please take time to read this and if you are interested in helping the team out in 2012 you can contact me on any of the addresses on the CV.

Yours etc.

(Thats basically it, a short to the point positive letter, now work on a CV. This should also be positive and not too long. Remember we get bored of reading very quickly now. Final note is to use good quality paper.)

Now the CV.

Name: Hugh Janu$

Address: H3lls gate keeper, down under DE55

Age: Past it

Tel. 666996

2011 Race Season

In 2011 we competed in the Hottrax Moto race series. This was a 8 round race series run across 8 track up and down the UK. It was a hotly fought championship with full grids and good media coverage.

(Say a little about the series's you raced in and about the bike and team efforts. Then bullet point your achievements.)

◦2 pole positions
◦5 Race Wins
◦Voted rider of the meeting at Cadwell

(The last season you raced in has to be the one you say most about as we are interested in what you have just achieved. Then move down the years say a little less about each season. If its your first season don't worry say what you will be doing in 2012.)

Finally. Don't make letters and CVs too long, do use quality paper if mailed. Its better to mail sometimes as an email can be junked far too easy, a letter has to be opened. Do be positive, don't make false promises but do sell what could happen. Do know who you are writing to and what you can offer them in return. Do try everyone, local businesses, big bike companies and even local strip clubs!!! DON't give up.

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