Firstly the Mojo tyres are fantastic both in slick and wet form, well done to the people who made this happen !
The Mojo wet is consistant ONCE it has been " scrubbed " in.....
Once the wets are scrubbed in the FRONTS wear out at over 30% quicker than the WILL experience the front pushing on no matter what chassis you are on....
Some people are now just replacing the fronts ONLY !
Having done some real time testing we have found that for a number of sessions when the wets are NEW you can run the rears in reverse to gain grip BUT you must have them at the correct pressure ( test and you WILL find ), once the initial sessions have been made you can revert BACK TO THE CORRECT direction and at different pressures and all four tyres will work in conjunction with each other and the fronts will NOT wear as quick !
Fact !