"there are few awards for looking the PRETTIEST"
True in the simplest sense, but the reality is that, for those looking at a long term career as a racing driver, driving ability is not enough. Nor is the ability of your "team" or your own engineering skills. Image is important, as is being intelligent, articulate, marketable and capable of marketing amongst many other attributes. I'd never have a painted helmet because I cannot see the value in it, but that's not to say I cannot understand why others would.
Secondly, you are making a massive assumption that expensive watches and such like are bought for reasons of fashion. Certainly, the general trend would suggest this, but in an individual case you cannot assume it to be so. In some cases items may be purchased purely because the purchaser likes them (hard to believe I know).
I believe you own a Subaru? Can I then assume that you meet with spotty faced teenagers in supermarket carparks late at night and cruise up and down high streets hoping to gain some form of recognition or illicit some sort of envy from passers-by? Can I assume you bought it because it makes some sort statement like "I have more money than you?"