Gents, I do appreciate the help and explanation from all here. So, if I take Ian's point first it's about balancing the grip and lowering CoG. We took the rear out to 1395 and started to push the fronts out too. The front tyres then started graining heavily on the inside 1/3rd of the tyre. So I felt I couldn't go any further on widening the kart and hence thinking about axles.
Maybe there is something more I can do at the front end to balance the grip we get at the back? I guess if tyres are graining then we have the problem there not at the back. I checked Mojo's site and, if I read correctly they say the fronts can drop as low as 4.5psi. That sounds incredibly low!
I also took advice on wheels and bought some Douglas SE's instead of the LV's I was running. Some improvement but not enough.
I take Ian's point about never too much grip. I said to my lad he was doing his best times when it was supposedly hopping! So hopefully we can get the balance right early in the year before it gets even hotter.
So still not sure what to do. I do have loads of axles which were supplied with the kart, fortunately, so won't be throwing money at the problem. Would a springy axle help then to balance the rear grip?
What should I consider then for the front? Incidently we're running 1210 at the front.
Thanks again everyone. As my first post on the board I'm enjoying the feedback and highly appreciative of all the shared wisdom