I think it is fair to say that ALL the "CRG" range of karts are superb, under their umberella I include Zanardi, Maranello and the LH kart which isn't disimilar to the OTK range of karts Tonykart, Alonso, Kosmic and Exsprit...
What I would say having been on both Maranello and Zanardi is that product support, advice and seeing the same type of kart on the grid also is a big factor in why WE choose to go CRG !!!!
If you go up and down a full grid lately you will count at least 6-8 and growing...
The results speak for themselves...
We firmly beleive the CRG can take a competitive fight to the OTK range which is great for karting in general !
I am willing to travel to ANY UK circuit to spend a day testing our Dark Knight (costs covered of course)
These days there is no such thing as a " bad " chassis....
Just that some work better than others, quicker and easier !
Chris King