All very good points made, and thanks for your replies so far. I think it will be fun to see what I can do but agree, way too many variables to get any scientific, spot on formula but I think using historical data is a good point. Maybe a simple formula to start that is then ammended over time as the historical data builds up. The 'How accurate' result will also be good to include which could then ammend the formula also (a tolerance %) This isn't a commercial program so I don't have to be 100% accurate, a good starting pressure is what I'm after, but will hopefully become more accurate as data builds up. I also race at just one track in Senior Max so that will limit the amount of data to be collected. I like your bit of advice itpro on the +2 psi theory and will see how that works for me also, thanks. He's how I set my pressures at the moment, check air temperature, check track, have a guess at suitable pressure, ask other drivers what the're running, try to weed out the bogus replies, go out on track and test, re-check pressures when back in pits, adjust pressures, etc... surely I can do better.