I think its pretty good now that my lad in kgp on a 2 year old chassis and tyres from the super 1 round in october is only .5 second behind simmo and litchfield, we would never have been able to get that close on a rotax. As for testing shouldn't you try and do as much as you can in any class. And we're only going into our 4th season compared to the umpteen years alot of the others have been running. One of the selling points for KGP was how good the tyres lasted and not much different from bran spankers. It wont be just works drivers having new tyres every race i'm sure many more will, but you really dont need them every race. I think the grids will slowly increase over quite a short period of time, at super 1 the big issue was getting them started.....that problem has been resolved with lipo batterys. If Birel are being told about qualilty issues they seem to be getting it sorted .