completly agree the abkc/msa are spoiling club racing/championships. The moment i heard a whisper of the class changing to mojos in 2011 i spoke at great lengths with our club chairman at mbkc, explaining my concerns over mixing tyres. Mbkc has had its request for a KTE rejected which im told they followed up with a request that for championship competitors to accue points only mojo runners allowed - a compromise u would think. this was also rejected. WHY? its okay for s1 to enforce the rule changes and tyres because they start in march but not clubs - total crap! the abkc should hang their heads in shame. The secound proposal by mbkc had no bearing as to whether people could race at mbkc on vegas it simply made sure the club champ points were all awarded fairly. It still would of allowed people to use up their vega stockpile as a certain person believes everyone has! I still do not believe any club racer or indeed any trader has a large stock of tyres as everyone knew from 2011 mojo were to be used. My view maybe an importer or vega themselves have alot of marked up sl6.s that are now useless and they want rid of! And once again the club racer is the one being shafted.