The LH compound Le Cont not the best of tyres, they are used in Formula Blue for last 4-5 years after replacing the excellent,for Blue class ,ORANGE Maxxis tyres origionally raced on,lots of graining problems,lack of continuity of sure hardness and gen quality,bit better now but some supply issues last year,only certain drivers were able to get them due to "shortages" at one stage,we are currently able to buy fronts seperately. New tyres every meeting is the best route like any other class,then test on them the next meeting,then new again for Sunday
However one F.Blue club championship driver used to use other peoples 1 meeting old tyres (£20 set,or search the bins Sat night)to good effect as they are £145 slicks/£165 wets ish.
Le Conts were allegedly dumped 2 years ago by the Italian classes,so where do they end up...mug's country(UK) £50 a set for slicks and £65 for wets abroad,however we have to have a sicker on them from the supplier to conform to NKRA class regs ,however even the UK distributor sold 20 sets at £40 a set inc vat of wets at Kartmania 2 years ago when their agents price was £145 ????