Some excellent ideas there and something that should be implemented immediately in my view. The only thing that should be different between classes is the engine and the rules concerning the engine package. All rules relating to chassis should be identical. I would consider allowing different tyre makes per class but agree with your idea regarding cost.
Regarding the MSA/ABKC, I think the MSA should only provide the regulatory framework/officials etc that we run under. The ABKC should be directly responsible for clubs and take more of a leading role as to how those clubs are run. There is currently too much variation between clubs as to communication with competitors, requirements from competitors, quality of information available, entry procedures, posting of race results etc.
The ABKC website should be setup to provide all news & notices applicable to all clubs, as well as providing minutes of all meetings and communications with the MSA etc. Every club should have a standardised website within this allowing club relevant news, race results, championship tables, race entries etc to be administered. All drivers must be registered with their club via this system and enter races via this system (this will confirm that everyone is a member of at least one club, which isn't necessarily the case now) whilst providing at least two forms of communication. This will provide a fantastic means of communicating with competitors and getting direct feedback from clubs and competitors alike. This, to me, would be a far better usage of resources than "green papers" and the yet to be seen George Robinson review.
Whilst I'm sure the ABKC does do something, most competitors wouldn't be able to tell you what it is. My proposal would put the ABKC at the forefront of organised karting in this country, give clubs standards to work to whilst taking away some of the workload, and provide an excellent means of communication between all parties.