Having finally read the paper i believe that there are some important points being overlooked. The paper clearly defines as the header that they are "TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION", which seems to be exactly what everyone on here is always objecting to the lack of. They also state that they will be asking for regional consultations which will give you a chance to air your views again other than AGM. One point which has been overlooked which is a personal thorn in the side is the cost of damage. The cost of replacing the parts that numptys have damaged has far outweighed the cost of tyres, rebuilds...pretty much everything in the year i've been Karting. I dont hear either the seniors or the karting dads mentioning this only the fact that cheque books win and money is everything. If the damage wasnt being caused then everyones banks would breath a sigh of relief in the coming season.
Karting needs newcomers, and as this seems to be the main site for people to get information maybe we can get on to the finer points of the sport and stop harping on about costs. ITS FUN!! I think we loose sight of that fact. Most of us started by practising and having fun before we got into racing. Its great for confidence, especially in kids. If the parents deal with their kids in the right way it can teach them many lessons from discipline, to the ability to mix with people of all ages to learning that sometimes everything doesnt go your way amd you need to deal with that with grace and bounce back. The truth is that if you wish to compete at club level and enjoy it and drive to the best of your ability then it is easy to do it on a relatively low budget. Most of the time what you refer to is little johnny or senior bloke doing relatively , well with the equipment that he has yet blaming/believing that the reason they arent winning is their lack of funds. They then throw money after money at the problem, spending more and more and getting no further forward, again blaming the guy at the front who spends more money that them. Whilst the above may be true in a very few exceptional cases i'm afraid that normally the guy beating you is just better !! Maybe just better prepared, either mentally or physically, maybe a better driver. If you dont believe me become his friend, arrange a practise day and swap karts..he'll still be quicker. I again stress in most cases!! Are we not just allowed to enjoy our karting, spend as much as we can afford and see how far we can get.
Back to the green paper, i agree that whilst the lack lustre application to time frame is to be chastised, the vein in which it is intended is to be applauded. It has a couple of good starting points for discussion and if it is good to its word will allow you to stick it to them locally. You asked to be involved, and you now are! Like Alan says, go to your email, write down your concerns and voice your opinion. Then come back on here and let everyone know what a great weekend you had doing the sport you truly love.
Am i naive...possibly..but no more than little Johnnys dad who beleives that spending £30k a season on a lawnmower engine is going to make him/her the next Lewis Hamilton. I've got news for you, it was talent that got him where he is today!